
Book of abstracts

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Scientific programme

November 28

10:00-12:00 “Dentro l’Universo dei Quanti” – Storie fotoniche live (brochure)

14:15-16:00 ORAL SESSION 1: CNR-INO Research Unit

14:15-14:30 Opening Remarks, Francesco Saverio Cataliotti

14:30-14:45 Research Unit Trento

15:45-15:00 Research Unit Firenze

15:00-15:15 Research Unito Sesto Fiorentino

15:15-15:30 Research Unit Pisa

15:30-15:45 Research Unit Napoli

15:45-16:00 Research Unit Brecia/Lecco/Trieste

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-18:30 ORAL SESSION 2

16:30-16:45 Talk with administrative team

16:45-17:00 Talk with IT services team

17:00-17:15 Antonina Chaban, New frontiers in wall painting diagnostics with non-invasive techniques

17:15-17:30 Giacomo Lamporesi, False vacuum decay in a quantum spin mixture

17:30-17:45 Caterina Dallari, SERS-based sensors for early-stage disease diagnosi

17:45-18:00 Rashmi Rekha Sahoo, Multiple cascaded stimulated Brillouin scattering in a fiber-optic ring resonator

18:00-18:15 Luca Labate, Development of direct diode pumped amplifiers for high rep rate, high average power, ultrashort and ultraintense lasers

18:15-18:30 Nicolo Defenu, Quantum thermodynamics of long-range interactions

18:30-20:00 POSTER SESSION 1

Alessandra Rocco et al., New activities in Naples in the field of  Cultural Heritage Diagnostic field
Alessandro Farini et al., Hybrid images as an instrument for evaluation of visual acuity
Alessia Sorgi et al., Development of a Cryogen-Free THz Wireless Communication Link based on Quantum Cascade Laser Technology
Antonio Giorgini et al., Optical fiber based hydrophones within the SEAmPhonia project
Antonio Pontin et al., Levitated quantum optomechanics
Carlo Gabbanini et al., Optical repulsive potential for Dy BEC and supersolid in the blue region
Carlo Marconi et al., Entanglement manipulation through multicore fibres
Carlo Pennacchio et al., The detection of the volatile phase emitted by TSWV virus infected tomatoes plants by means of a portable electronic nose
Caterina Credi et al., Gold-based plasmonic nanocomposites for 3D laser-structuring of biocompatible scaffolds with built-in SERS-sensors
Chiara Mazzinghi et al., Differential Mach-Zehnder interferometry with trapped Bose Einstein condensates
David Jafrancesco et al., UV-LED system for in-vitro fluorescence analysis in a portable biomedical device
Elisa Sani et al., Ceramics from regoliths for in-situ resource utilization
Elisabetta Tognoni et al., Fine tuning of nanoparticles dynamics for sensing and delivery
Emilia Conti et al., A novel all-optical stroke model of middle cerebral artery occlusion and recanalization in mice
Emma Hume et al., Perspectives of laser fusion after NIF Ignition: direct drive and LPI
Ferdinando D’Apice et al., Noise Reduction and Performance Characterization of a High-Sensitivity Fiber-Optic Sagnac Gyroscope
Francesco Resta et al., Brain state modulation of cortical network
Franco Dinelli et al., Characterization of magnetic nanoparticles in polymeric matrices
Giacomo Mazzamuto et al., Mapping neuronal populations with Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Silvia Innocenti et al., Optical techniques and Software development for Non-Invasive Artwork Analysis


November 29


9:00-9:15 Talk with Projects Office

9:15-9:30 Talk with the Technology Transfer team

9:30-9:45 Simona Mosca, Light Manipulation for Future Quantum Applications

9:45-10:00 Claudio Belotti, FORUM a new satellite to understand how Earth is losing its cool

10:00-10:15 Giacomo Rastelli, Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with Semiconductor Quantum Dots

10:15-10:30 Lorenzo Pandolfi, Sensing plant pathogens via in-field Raman spectroscopy for precision agriculture

10:30-10:45 Irene Lunghi, Emma Vannini, Women studying women: non-invasive and non-contact optical analysis on the painting Allegory of Inclination by Artemisia Gentileschi

10:45-11:00 Luca Pezzè, Advantages of entangled in distributed quantum sensing

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 POSTER SESSION 2

Jacopo Catani et al., Fluorescent Optical Antennas based on LSC for Hybrid Visible Light Communication (VLC) and Energy Harvesting
Jacopo Pelini et al., Performance investigation of cavity-enhanced photo-acoustic sensors
Krishna Nand Trivedi et al., Local temperature measurement inside a magneto optical trap using doppler thermometry
Lapo Turrini et al., Non-linear all-optical dissection of functional and effective connectivity in the larval zebrafish brain
Luca Cavicchioli et al., Dynamical formation of multiple quantum droplets in a Bose-Bose mixture
Luca Varricchio et al., A new application of Saturated-absorption CAvity Ring-down (SCAR) laser spectroscopy to evaluate the inhibition of the G6PD enzyme by 14C-radiolabeling
Maja Colautti et al., Enhanced control of organic molecules for quantum technologies
Gianluca Di Natale et al., Atmospheric science at CNR-INO
Marcia Frometa Fernandez et al., Shapiro steps in strongly-interacting Fermi gases
Martino Calamai, Single molecule imaging to track cellular proteins and follow drug release from nanoparticles
Maximilian Schemmer et al., Topological photon pumping in quantum optical systems
Natalia Bruno et al., Entangled photon pairs for quantum networks
Pietro Lombardi et al., A new dipolar quantum gas machine
Roberto Aiello et al., A second-generation buffer-gas-cooling (BGC) molecular machine for spectroscopic tests of fundamental physics
Salvatore Castrignano et al., Quantum Correlated Twin Beams in Cascaded Quadratic Processes
Sareh Golkar et al., Compact optical nonlinear cavities in Einstein Telescope and for Communication Links
Simona Piccinini et al., Laser-plasma acceleration of very high energy electron (VHEE) beams: using ultra high dose rate pulses for in vitro radiobiology studies
Tecla Gabbrielli et al., Intensity noise properties of mid-infrared cascade lasers: between classical and quantum operation regime
Valentina di Sarno et al., THz Time-Domain transmission and reflection imaging for art material analysis
Verónica Vicuña-Hernández et al., Strong Optomechanical coupling with OAM in cavities
Zeeshan Rashid et al., Large Activation Yields For Nitrogen-Vacancy and Silicon-Vacancy Diamond Color Centers by Proton Irradiation

13:00-14:15 LUNCH

14:15-16:30 ORAL SESSION 4

14:15-14:30 Talk with Outreach team

14:30-14:45 Talk with Open Science team

14:45-15:00 Martina Salvadori, Laser-driven Very High Energy Electrons (VHEE) for radiobiological applications at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory

15:00-15:15 Francesco D’Amato, Applied spectroscopy: a tool for (molecular) detection

15:15-15:30 Alessio Ciamei, Ultracold LiCr and the quest for quantum gases of doubly-polar molecules

15:30-15:45 Krishna Nand Trivedi, Spatially resolved temperature measurements on ultra-cold atoms using Rydberg Doppler broadening spectroscopy

15:45-16:00 Santiago Hernandez Gomez, Spin defects in diamond for quantum technologies

16:00-16:15 Dafne Suraci, Delineation of gastrointestinal tumors biopsies via autofluorescence lifetime imaging

16:15-16:30 Francesco Saverio Cataliotti, Closing remarks